Orders placed online and which are over $299 ex gst are delivered freight free anywhere in Australia. Offer is valid until 31 December 2025 and excludes: (i) orders involving chemicals and (ii) orders involving oversized items such as safety cabinets, ovens, incubators, trolleys etc. Such items are highlighted on our website.
Amaze students with this easy to perform cloud demonstration. Add a few drops of water inside the bottle, add pressure. When you lift the lid a cloud will form inside the bottle. A thermometer strip records the temperature changes during the demonstration.
Making a cloud with this apparatus is easy. Remove the top and put a few drops of water inside the bottle. Add air to the bottle using the pump and watch: as the pressure increases, so does the temperature. Actuate the quick-release top and due to rapid decompression, a cloud forms instantly inside the bottle! A Liquid Crystal thermometer strip measures temperature changes throughout the experiment. This hands-on activity teaches the relationship between pressure and temperature in a closed container. Approx. 26 cm tall.
Demonstration can be carried out over and over again. Bottle is made of PET plastic meaning it's ideal for student use.